The Baxter’s Original story
Baxter’s Original is a boutique family run business based on the Miramar Peninsula in Wellington, New Zealand.
It all began in 2013 when the Baxter family; Scott, Erika and their two young boys relocated from America to New Zealand for Scott to work on ‘The Hobbit’ movie trilogy. Back in America Scott is known to his friends as ‘The condiment’ King’.
Upon arriving in New Zealand, Scott went searching for locally made sauces that he and his family could enjoy.
However, the entire Baxter family suffers from a variety of different food allergies! The products Scott discovered were full of artificial colouring and preservatives with hidden wheat (gluten) thickeners!
Scott then set out on a quest to create his own BBQ and hot sauces using only quality ingredients and good old fashioned tried and tested hot fill preserving techniques.
At the same time local kiwis Berrin Moody and partner Mekla Sirisomphone, along with their two young boys relocated from Auckland to Wellington for Berrin to also work on the Hobbit films.
A fellow condiment lover, Berrin would enjoy the test batches of sauce with Scott and get together with their families occasionally on weekends. Whilst Scott was perfecting his recipes, he was producing more sauce
than his family could possibly consume!
Their newly acquired friends and colleagues would purchase the sauces to much critical acclaim!
Scott was onto a winning formula and the concept of Baxter’s Original sauces was conceived.
The business quickly grew into attending local farmers markets where it caught the attention of local
supermarkets and boutique stockists who began ordering the sauces.
In July 2017 Scott and Erika decided it was time to head back to the USA so their children could spend time with their aging parents, however they couldn’t just up and leave New Zealand as they had put their heart and soul into establishing their sauce business.
It was then Scott and Erika asked Berrin & Mekla if they would be interested in taking over the New Zealand side of the operation whilst the Baxter’s would get the brand established back home in the USA.
It didn’t take long for them to accept this challenge as they absolutely loved the sauces right from their inception.
It’s been quite the journey thus far as they continue on the Baxter family legacy to grow the brand in New Zealand and get everyone on the sauce!
The Baxter Family in New Zealand.
Berrin & Mekla, The Baxters Original NZ owners.